Drumcondra Dental & Orthodontics
High Quality Dental Care

Price list
As a guide, the costs of some common private treatments are given below. You will be given a full estimate and treatment plan after examination and will be advised of any proposed changes during a course of treatment. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff or your dentist.
Examination & Treatment Plan
If qualified through your PRSI, once annually Free
Private adult examination €60
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child examination €40
Exam Scale & Polish Adult €100
Exam Scale & Polish Child €60
Private adult scale & polish/ basic hygienist visit €80-120
Private Scale & Polish with click whitening €180
PRSI Scale & Polish with click whitening €115
Child Scale & Polish €55
Adult scale & polish, if qualified through your PRSI, once annually €15
Periodontal Treatment
Advanced gum treatment €120 -150 /visit
tax relief available, PRSI subsidy may apply
White fillings €135 - 200
Primary tooth fillings €95
Fissure sealants €50
Teeth Whitening
Tooth Whitening home kit €300
Laser Teeth Whitening 1 Hour €200
Laser Teeth Whitening 30 minutes €120
Click Whitening €100
Patients favourite choice
Removal of Teeth
Routine extraction €140-170
Surgical extraction €200-250
Baby tooth extraction €80- 120
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wisdom tooth extraction €250-350
May require specialist referral
Crown / Bridgework
Crown €900
Bridge €900 -2000
Post & Core €150 -250
Veneer €1000
Composite Veneer €250- 300
Recement Crown/Veneer/Bridge €150
Acrylic denture Partial €600 each
Acrylic denture Full €800 each
Metal Based Denture /Cobalt chromium €1250*
Root Canal Treatment
Incisors & Canines €500
Premolars €600
Molars* €700
May require specialist referral
Night guard Soft/Medium €150
Night guard Hard € 350
Sports Guard €150
Consultation €50
Metal Fixed Braces €1000 per arch
Monthly visit €100
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Metal Fixed Braces under18 years €950 per arch
Monthly visit €90
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ceramic/ Tooth Coloured Braces €1200 per arch
Monthly visit €100
Study models €300
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Clear aligner €120 each
Retainer Bonded / Essix €200 each
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Space maintainers €400
Emergency visit minimum fee €80
Facial Aesthetic Clinic
Consultation Free
Profhilo €300 Per session
Special Promotion €570 Two sessions
We accept payment by cash, visa debit or credit card. Payment is expected at the end of each visit, however larger treatment plans may be paid for over the visits.
We require at least 24 hours notice of cancellation either by phone or email.